At MindArch Health, we prevent mental health problems.

By combining our evidence-based framework with data automation software that predicts the most protective public mental health solutions, we're able to provide strategic consultation in partnership with communities and resources, delivering sustainable preventative health plans.

Our Story

Founded in 2018 as Mind the Class and rebranded in 2023 as MindArch Health, our journey has been driven by a passionate commitment to revolutionizing the approach to mental health and social impact. The vision to pioneer proactive, preventive solutions emerged from our Founder and President, Nadine Wilches, LCSW CIMHP's profound observation of the limitations of conventional response-based models in addressing the critical issues affecting mental health and well-being. Nadine's insightful quote encapsulates our transformative trajectory, wherein an emphasis on prevention and integration has not only reduced crises and burnout among professionals but also kindled innovation, purpose, and empowerment.

“In every program that I have worked over the past 18 years, I have found myself in response mode to referral after referral, crisis after crisis and faced with worsening statistics. We are not getting ahead of the problems and they will never stop until we do. Our professional teams are overwhelmed, burned out and resigning given the impact of this approach on their own mental health. Even with the best leadership, I have observed significant hardship on the practitioners and the impact on the people they support (clients/students/patients).

Once I began adding a preventive, integrative, systemic approach, those issues started to fade and we saw opportunity, progress, and hope which led to a flourishing of innovation, passion and purpose and the intended impact on our clients. So I set out to put that into an approach that can help your team shape a path to prevention and promotion to reduce the burden and increase the impact.”

- Nadine Wilches, LCSW CIMHP


At the core of our new identity lies the synthesis of "Mind" and "Architect," embodying our mission to architect comprehensive psychological health solutions using our cutting-edge AI software and services. With an expansive reach spanning nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, health agencies, technology sectors, and more, we forge collaborations that harness the potential of our machine learning software to facilitate substantial social change. Our narrative is one of unwavering dedication to scientific rigor and the relentless pursuit of positive impact, as we collaboratively shape the future of mental health and well-being for individuals and communities alike.

Our Approach

We extend beyond conventional SaaS and consulting solutions. We’re you’re applied sciences research partner. Our clients engage with us due to their deep appreciation for the scientific method and their pursuit of validated benchmarks for surveys and impact evaluations, especially within the scope of mental health prevention and systemic change. To facilitate data-centric decision-making, they depend on our machine learning software to unlock their potential, gaining insights into ramifications of their initiatives, as well as:

  • Up to 30 Possible Interventions and customized implementation strategies

  • Psychological Health Reports

  • Community Vulnerabilities Reports

  • Protective Factors Assessment Reports

  • Three Phase Implementation Plan

Our Awards, Recognition, & Publications

Our Mission

Our mission is to decrease the risks and reverse the rates of mental and behavioral disorders. We create healthier communities by designing effective solutions for preventive psychological health programs using analytics and behavioral science experts.

Our Values

Our four core values guide our vision for success.

  • At MindArch Health, we’re leaders in mental health advancements. Our unwavering curiosity drives us to explore the intricate nuances of mental health. Through challenging inquiries and innovative insights, we refine and implement preventive strategies that improve systemic psychological health.

  • Inclusivity is fundamental to MindArch Health. We prioritize participatory systemic initiatives, ensuring accessible preventive solutions, to promote wellbeing. By valuing diverse perspectives, our strategies resonate across a variety of backgrounds and identities. By valuing diverse and inclusive perspectives, our public health preventive strategies resonate across backgrounds and identities around the globe, promoting shared responsibility to meet the wellbeing needs of youth and the teams who support them.

  • Collaboration fuels our success. Mental health challenges require collective efforts. MindArch Health partners with communities, experts, and resources, creating comprehensive implementation plans. Open communication, lived experience, and shared expertise amplify our impact.

  • Ingenuity defines us. We excel in innovative solutions, expanding possibilities for preventive mental health care. We craft cutting-edge software solutions and strategies that anticipate and address mental health risks. Guided by creative solutions, we pioneer approaches for lasting positive change.

Through machine learning, we're revolutionizing how programs and people access and analyze social impact data.

The best way to experience the impact of our software, is to see it in action.