Who We Serve: Industries

At MindArch Health, we prevent stress related disorders.

We work with organizations, schools and colleges to support population-wide mental health improvements that lower risks of disease and disorder and offer proven lifestyle advantages. Give people the best chance of success, wellness and highest quality of life by equipping your community with a proactive approach to flourishing.

Providing research, consultation and best practices all within a software solution!

Data-Driven Prevention Reduces Risks, Saves Lives, and Promotes Health

At MindArch Health, we’re dedicated to providing the science and evidence to make the strongest impact while saving you time and money by leveraging advanced technologies like data analytics, machine learning and AI summarization. Our goal is to validate the effectiveness of preventive solutions that reduce risk and pinpoint specific areas of need most likely to improve wellbeing. The factors we measure and address lead to the best possible outcomes including improvements in mood, behavior, employment, academic achievement, relationships and life fulfillment.

This allows programs to target high risk areas, using resources more precisely and efficiently for higher impact results. This drives engagement, retention, funding, and reduces the burden on healthcare providers, such as counseling and crisis intervention.

We go beyond traditional SaaS and consulting services. MindArch Health is your applied sciences research team. Our clients come to us because they value the scientific process and seek validation criteria for surveys and impact measurements, particularly in the realm of mental health prevention. They want to know if their programs are truly making a difference in preventing mental health issues. They rely on our machine learning software to harness its capabilities and understand the impact of their programs and interventions, enabling data-driven decision-making.

Why Choose MindArch Health

We’re experts in mental health prevention. Focusing on a proactive approach, our expertise lies in reducing the rates and reversing the risks of behavioral and mental health problems like depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and more. This prevents drop-out, joblessness, homelessness, suicide, caregiver burden, financial hardship, food insecurity, incarceration and other serious lifestyle issues.

  • We adhere to a Social-Ecological Model: A Framework for Prevention, which comprehensively considers the individual, interpersonal, community, and societal factors that influence mental well-being, including protective factors.

  • We provide rigorous research and data analysis consulting services to assess the effectiveness of prevention-based programs. Our aim is to identify and strengthen Protective Factors that contribute to positive mental health outcomes.

  • Leveraging our proprietary machine learning software, we share valuable insights from complex datasets to advance your mission. This enables us to identify and leverage proven stress-buffering factors, allowing us to help our clients develop and optimize more effective prevention programs.

  • With our deep expertise in mental health prevention, our evidence based survey tools, research based EQUIP Model, and our cutting-edge technology, we equip you with the tools to make informed decisions and drive meaningful change based on evidence and data.

We provide the tools for you to predict and prevent stress related disorders.

The best way to experience the impact of our software, is to see it in action.

Who We Work With

Our software and services are designed to support organizations, schools and colleges involved in strengthening mental wellbeing and health promotion. We work with:

  • Universities, Colleges & Community Colleges

  • Public and Private Schools (K-12)

  • Nonprofit (NPOs), Social Services & Health and Human Service Organizations

  • Government Agencies & Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs)

    • We also partner with a range of health-tech and ed-tech solutions as well as philanthropic foundations to bring you powerful tools that strengthen the work you do to support wellbeing. Reach out to contact@mindarchhealth.com to discuss partnerships or schedule a demo.

If you're dedicated to creating social impact and prioritizing mental health prevention, we’re here to support your efforts. Whether you aim to evaluate current programming or identify new opportunities, we’re committed to helping you make a meaningful difference. Contact us today to learn more and to start collaborating.


Evaluating the effectiveness of your prevention efforts is essential for continuous improvements unique to person, place and planet, and MindArch Health is uniquely positioned to help you achieve this:

  • Our machine learning software is designed to analyze and interpret survey data, community data and questionnaires to uncover strengths, risks, and needs pre- and post- intervention. This comparative analysis allows us to evaluate the effectiveness of your preventive and promotive programming and pinpoint specific areas for ongoing growth.

    This goes beyond a basic survey tool. With our software, you’ll gain valuable understanding from the population and key stakeholders to make informed decisions based on comprehensive and accurate data.

    The insight to action portion of our model and software tool allows you to make informed decisions and strategic changes to evaluate their effectiveness.

  • Adding an effective prevention program can reduce the burden on downstream reactive interventions. Counseling teams are burnt out and overwhelmed, lacking the capacity to support the rising rates of mental health needs.

    While there may always be a need for mental health treatment, research shows that population health can reduce the risk of mental health problems and strengthen resiliency to inevitable stressors. The stress we face can be unique to the environment, therefore our evaluation allows you to pinpoint high-risk populations and environmental, behavioral and situational factors that can support individual and community mental health while considering the broader societal and global impacts.

    Our software does the heavy lifting, we provide the expert consultation so you can focus on implementing the most effective solutions that decrease the need for counseling and crisis referrals. This gives people the best chance at success in your organization or institution.

  • With our software and framework, we can identify gaps in your mental health prevention programs and determine the specific Protective Factors that may be missing. Our comprehensive analysis provides valuable insights that guide you in effectively building these factors into your programs. In addition to our software, our Consulting Services, provided by a licensed mental health professional, offer actionable recommendations and strategies to enhance and strengthen your mental health prevention initiatives. Together, we empower you to make informed decisions and take proactive steps towards creating impactful change in mental health prevention.

  • A comprehensive automated report with your method and outcomes saves time demonstrating the value of your efforts. This increase your chances of securing and maintaining funding for your critical mental health prevention initiatives. Data-supported evidence plays a significant role in attracting and retaining funders, grantors, and donors. Our software takes off the heavy lifting of report writing and strategic planning, by building an automated report throughout your evaluation and planning process, allowing you to enhances the credibility and effectiveness of your programming initiatives.

  • Our software, integrated with our socioecological framework, empowers you to validate the effectiveness of your prevention programs in addressing mental health issues. By analyzing comprehensive data within the context of individual, interpersonal, community, and societal factors, we provide scientifically backed insights that help you demonstrate the value and impact of your initiatives. With our advanced technology, including machine learning capabilities and our comprehensive framework, you can leverage data-driven evidence to gain deeper insights into program outcomes, make informed decisions for improvement, and drive meaningful change in mental health prevention.

  • While our survey tools are anonymous, individuals do not receive another survey "for the greater good." Instead they receive a mental wellness profile with their personalized and private results, an actionable goal with steps to take to improve their mental strength.

    This incentivizes survey takers to participate, and confidentiality improves their trust in the process, increasing the diversity in responses.

Our Awards, Recognition, & Publications

Data-Driven Success: Why Our Software is Essential

Data Science Perspective

Correlation does not equal causation. Our software employs advanced data science techniques to differentiate fact from fiction, ensuring accurate analysis and interpretation within the context of behavioral and mental health prevention.

Advanced Data Analysis

Machine learning equips organizations to extract valuable insights from vast amounts of social impact data, enabling evidence-based decision-making and program optimization.

Justify Budgetary Spending

Our software helps organizations justify their budgetary spending on mental health prevention programs by providing tangible evidence of their efforts and effectiveness.

Draw Lines Between Responses

Our software enables organizations and taskforces to draw connections between pre and post survey responses related to mental health outcomes, uncovering insights and patterns that may not be apparent through traditional methods.

Socioecological Model

Our socioecological approach develops and guides mental health prevention programs, ensuring alignment with established theories and best practices. From risk assessments to strategy planning, we support every step of the process.

Robust Predictive Modeling

Our machine learning software can help your organization identify trends, forecast outcomes, and measure the causal impact of your programs, providing a deeper understanding of their effectiveness.

Efficiency and Scalability

Machine learning algorithms automate data processing and analysis, allowing you to handle large datasets and scale your impact evaluation efforts.

Actionable Insights

By leveraging machine learning, you can uncover actionable insights that inform program design, implementation, and continuous improvement, maximizing your social impact.

Contact Us

With an unwavering commitment to scientific methodologies and the utilization of cutting-edge technology, we're committed to helping you make a meaningful social impact, particularly in the field of mental health prevention. With our expertise in the mental health field, as well as our machine learning software and consulting services, we equip you to validate and strengthen your prevention programs. Our proficiency in data science, advanced analytics, and machine learning algorithms ensures that you have the tools and insights necessary to grow funding, create sustainable change in society, and make a lasting difference. Contact us online today to drive and amplify impactful social change together.

Through machine learning, we're revolutionizing how programs and people access and analyze social impact data.

The best way to experience the impact of our software, is to see it in action.