Our Survey Tools Utilize the Evidence-Based 5-Elements Systemic Wellbeing Framework

Uncover Mental Wellbeing Needs

💡Validate the effectiveness of current programs

💡Identify and address needs

💡Evaluate new solutions

  • Psychological Health Survey

    A digital, anonymous survey providing a critical understanding of internal wellbeing and intrapersonal success.

    🗸 A measure of healthy minds.

    🗸 Using positive framing.

    🗸 Used to quantify mental health rather than mental disorder.

  • Protective Factors Assessment

    A digital, anonymous survey providing a critical understanding of stress buffering factors in the environment and interpersonal success.

    🗸 A measure of stress resiliency.

    🗸 Using positive framing.

    🗸 To quantify protective behaviors, situations and environments.

  • Population Survey Results

    Survey data is aggregated to capture a pre- and post- population mental health and stress resiliency outcomes.

    🗸 Understand the psychological health of the population.

    🗸 Understand the mental wellbeing needs of the population.

    🗸 Receive a targeted goal based on your population results.

  • Personal Survey Results

    Survey participants results are private to the survey taker and offer a personalized score and action plan.

    🗸 Survey participants receive individual mental health scores.

    🗸 They receive an explanation of their mental health strengths and needs.

    🗸 Participants are guided through an exercise in strengthening their target goal and receive custom resources and referrals.

  • Identify and Support High Risk Populations

    Anonymous survey results are disaggregated by demographic to analyze specific population needs.

    🗸 Identify high risk populations.

    🗸 Use our risk factor analytics to understand vulnerabilities.

    🗸 Take action with our strategic planning tool to reduce risks and improve population mental health so that everyone can thrive and succeed!

The 5-Elements of Systemic Wellbeing Model

The 5-Elements framework defines specific resiliency factors in research studies that buffer against stress that can be measured and adapted within five categories (secure, regulated, valuable, decided, related).

All responses are anonymous

Find out how we use our surveys alongside a qualitative assessment to gather a holistic understanding of the population strengths and needs to deliver the best solutions for enhancing mental well-being.